Monday, April 12, 2010

So that you understand

What I am undertaking is a massive, exploratory, photographic piece, chronicalling the 'desecrations of the flesh' so to speak. By this, I shall state that it details already commonly accepted sexual practices, some bordering on fetish-esque practices, and some, which aren't widely accepted that I hope, through exploration of my book, will open the eyes of the blind to new experiences and revels. That said, there is not much more I wish to indulge so don't ask. As of this moment, the name of the book, the publisher, and that photographs included as well as their descriptions, will be left in the dark where they belong. But let it be said, when I finally do open this pandora's box of sexual exploration and twisted fuckery, everyone will see the lengths at which I've gone to spread my message.

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